Saturday, March 14, 2009

Direct Translations

When, 啊瓜 = Agua = transexuals; then

西瓜 = Western agua
南瓜 = Southern agua
青瓜 = Green agua = the Hulk after sex change
冬瓜 = Winter agua
苦瓜 = Bitter agua
木瓜 = Wooden agua
傻瓜 = Crazy agua
蜜瓜 = Honey/sweet agua

老黄瓜 = Old perverted agua
黄西瓜 = Perverted western agua

the above translations were done with the help of Dante, Stippie and Brian during linguistics tutorial on 12/03/09...

Part II
Common swearings:

What the hell = 什么地狱
Oh shit = 噢狗屎
Shit you = 狗屎你
F**k = 他妈的
What the f**k = 什么他妈的
Son of a b***h = 母狗的儿子